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Brightcrop Kalanamak rice is bets quality organic rice that enriches your health by nurturing your body with naturally grown food. Fragrant and flavorful variety of rice, it is cultivated mainly in the northern states of India, particularly Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, and Bihar. Kalanamak is one of the finest qualities scented rice’s of India. This variety has been in cultivation since the Buddhist era. Kalanamak is a non-basmati rice with short to medium grain length.
Description: It has slender grains, glossy appearance, and an aroma that is different from other rice varieties.
Nutritional benefits: Albeit polished Kalanamak retains some nutritional qualities, and since it contains energy-giving important carbohydrates along with small amounts of vitamins and minerals. Besides the Brightcrop Agro Product has Kalanamak polished rice releasing a special characteristic aroma, in addition, taste makes it special for use on culinary purposes enriching the dishes into which it gets used.
Also Known As: Kalanamak polished rice is also known by its regional names, such as “Chini Mini” in some parts of India. It is known for its unique flavor profile and is sometimes called the “Queen of Fragrance” among rice varieties due to its excellent aroma and subtle taste.
Quality Assurance: The guiding principles at Brightcrop stem from a vision to enrich your health by nurturing your body with naturally grown food. Our practices abandon the use of chemicals across the entire farming process, starting from the seed to the finished produce. All our products go through extensive cleaning, hygienic processing and packing in exclusive food-safe facilities.

Dishes that could be prepared are: Kalanamak Rice Pulao, Kalanamak Rice Kheer, Kalanamak Rice Salad, Kalanamak Rice Stuffed Peppers, Kalanamak Rice Stir Fry.
Consider purchasing Brightcrop Agro’s range of nutritious products to relish your tastebuds and make every meal a pleasant feast.
Our products align to the principles of Organic Farming as defined by IFOAM, Principle of Fairness where we ensure that the food products are certified organic and the farmers are compensated fairly in lieu of the food products, and Principle of Care, where our products carry utmost information a consumer needs to know before picking up the food product.
What are the different varieties of Kalanamak rice?
Kalanamak rice is a traditional variety, grown in the Terai region of Uttar Pradesh in India, with its wonderful aroma and unique taste. Over time, this heritage grain has developed into several varied distinct varieties to suit preferences and different growing conditions. Every variety still retains that signature fragrance and flavor that make it very special while offering unique characteristics.
Perhaps the most celebrated variety is the traditional black-husked Kalanamak, celebrated for its heritage appeal as well as authentic taste. This variety is generally of medium size and soft to bite when cooked. Another mainstream variety is the improved white-husked Kalanamak, designed to meet modern agricultural demands. While still maintaining the pungent smell characteristic of the traditional Kalanamak, it has increased yield and gives better resistance against diseases, which is more appealing to farmers nowadays.
Organic and sustainable farming have given rise to naturally grown varieties of Kalanamak rice over the past years, and with this, this ancient grain remains alive without diminishing its ecological significance. Premium varieties are even farmed exclusively for export markets to ensure global outreach for this iconic rice.
Kalanamak rice in whatever form represents perfectly the traditional merged with innovation, with diverse variations that make it a grain where the old ways are never forsaken in preference for something contemporary.
What are the health benefits of kalanamak rice?
As distinct in aroma, Kalanamak of heritage grain from Terai region in Uttar Pradesh in India is being used for preparing quite a number of dishes. Known for its very distinct flavor profile, this crop has been observed to have gained popularity due to its nutritional merits.
One of its major health-related benefits is because of its excellent antioxidant content, which fights body oxidative stress and reduces risk to chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetic diseases, cancer, and a lot more. Kalanamak rice is known to be relatively rich in iron, which leads to the blood production of erythrocyte and prevents disorders of iron-deficiency anemia.
It is also established to have a low glycemic index compared with other types of rice. Thus, it gives a slower impact to the blood sugar levels, thereby being a suitable product for individuals who are afflicted with diabetes and also for patients in need of stable blood sugar levels. Lastly, Kalanamak rice has plenty of fibers, which digest easily, provide for good intestinal health, and gives a person the feeling of being full, and it is effective in weight loss management.
As for its nutritional content, Kalanamak rice is retained as it is processed less than other polished rice. Consequently, it is nutritious and provides much more essential vitamins and minerals that generally help in general well-being. It also reduces inflammation in the body, bringing about better joints and heart conditions.
Overall, Kalanamak rice is not only a delight for the taste buds but also supports a healthier lifestyle, making it an ideal addition to any diet.
कालानामक चावल कहां से है?
कालानामक चावल उत्तर प्रदेश के तराई क्षेत्र से उत्पन्न होने वाला एक विशेष और अत्यधिक सुगंधित चावल का प्रकार है। यह चावल अपनी समृद्ध सांस्कृतिक विरासत के लिए प्रसिद्ध है और इस क्षेत्र की कृषि परंपराओं में इसका एक विशेष स्थान है। इसका उत्पादन सदियों से किया जा रहा है और यह भारत-नेपाल सीमा के उपजाऊ इलाकों में उगाया जाता है, जहां की अनोखी जलवायु और मिट्टी की गुणवत्ता इसके स्वाद और सुगंध को खास बनाती है।
“कालानामक” नाम का अर्थ है “काला नमक,” जो इसके गहरे रंग के छिलके और विशिष्ट स्वाद की ओर इशारा करता है। यह चावल न केवल अपने पाक महत्व के लिए प्रसिद्ध है, बल्कि इसके ऐतिहासिक और पारिस्थितिक महत्व के लिए भी जाना जाता है। यह माना जाता है कि इसे प्राचीन काल में प्रमुख आहार के रूप में उपयोग किया जाता था और इसका उल्लेख कई ऐतिहासिक ग्रंथों और दस्तावेज़ों में मिलता है। इसके दाने मध्यम आकार के होते हैं और पकाने पर यह नरम, फूला हुआ और सुगंधित बनता है।
कालानामक चावल अपने स्वास्थ्य लाभों के लिए भी जाना जाता है, जिसमें एंटीऑक्सीडेंट, आयरन और अन्य आवश्यक पोषक तत्व प्रचुर मात्रा में पाए जाते हैं। यह पारंपरिक भारतीय व्यंजनों के लिए विशेष रूप से पसंद किया जाता है और त्योहारों और विशेष अवसरों पर इसकी मांग अधिक होती है। इस ऐतिहासिक धरोहर को संरक्षित और बढ़ावा देने के लिए कई कृषि संगठनों, किसानों और स्थायी खेती को बढ़ावा देने वाले लोगों ने प्रयास किए हैं।
आज, कालानामक चावल भारत की समृद्ध सांस्कृतिक और कृषि विरासत का प्रतीक बना हुआ है और अपने अनोखे स्वाद और अद्वितीय सुगंध के कारण दुनिया भर के खाद्य प्रेमियों और पारखियों को आकर्षित कर रहा है।
Kalanamak rice, also known as “Buddha rice,” is a famous aromatic variety from the Terai region of Nepal and eastern Uttar Pradesh, India. It is highly valued for its unique fragrance and taste, and it has been grown since the Buddhist period (600 BC) and is commonly known as the “scented black pearl.”
Some frequently asked questions about Kalanamak rice are:
1. What is Kalanamak rice?
- Kalanamak is a traditional, aromatic rice variety from the Terai region of Nepal and eastern Uttar Pradesh, India. Its name translates to “black salt,” referring to its black husk and unique flavor.
2. Why is it called “Buddha rice”?
- Legend has it that Lord Buddha blessed this rice to the people of the region, giving it a unique fragrance that would remind them of him.
3. What are the health benefits of Kalanamak rice?
- Kalanamak rice is highly rich in micronutrients like iron and zinc. It has about 11% protein content, which is almost double compared to the ordinary varieties of rice, and the glycemic index is low at 49% to 52%, so it can be consumed by diabetics.
- What does the Geographical Indication (GI) tag mean for Kalanamak rice?
- GI tag received in 2013 – This is only because Kalanamak rice comes from a different origin and has quality, thereby restricting its production to specific areas in Uttar Pradesh. Thus, its authenticity remains preserved.
- How does Kalanamak rice differ from Basmati rice?
While both are aromatic, Kalanamak rice is stronger in fragrance, softer in texture, and richer in proteins compared to Basmati. However, the grains of Basmati are longer. - Where do I get the Kalanamak rice in 30kg packets?
You can get them from online and specialty stores like Buddha Rice where they have their pack sizes-25kg packs. - Is Kalanamak rice beneficial for diabetics?
As it has less glycemic value, Kalanamak rice has been found as suitable for patients with diabetes. - What are the best dishes that can be prepared with Kalanamak rice?
Kalanamak rice’s aroma and texture make it an ideal candidate for traditional Indian preparations like biryani, pulao, and kheer. - How to store Kalanamak rice?
Kalanamak rice should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place so that its aroma remains intact and it stays fresh for a longer time. - Is Kalanamak rice organically grown?
- Kalanamak rice is grown traditionally, organically, and free of chemical fertilizers, so it is rich in health values.
- How long does it take to cook Kalanamak rice?
- Kalanamak rice generally takes 15-20 minutes to cook. Soaking it for 20-30 minutes before cooking may make it soft.
- **Is there any cultural significance of Kalanamak rice?
- Yes, it is deeply rooted in the cultural heritage of the regions where it’s grown and is often associated with Lord Buddha.
- How long does Kalanamak rice last?
- Kalanamak rice can last up to a year if stored properly.
- Is Kalanamak rice gluten-free?
- Yes, like all rice varieties, Kalanamak rice is gluten-free by nature.
- Can Kalanamak rice be used in international cuisines?
- Absolutely, its unique flavor can complement various international dishes, adding an exotic touch.
- What is the price range for a 30kg pack of Kalanamak rice?
- It varies according to the retailer and quality but can be purchased at ₹5,999 in a 25kg pack.
- Is there more than one variety of Kalanamak rice?
Yes, it has different varieties, like KN 3, Bauna Kalanamak 101, Bauna Kalanamak 102, and Kalanamak Kiran. - How is the smell of Kalanamak rice?
- Kalanamak rice has a very strong pungent aroma, which many consider to be the best aromatic rice. In fact, they say that its aroma is unbeatable.
- Is Kalanamak rice eco-friendly?
- Kalanamak rice traditionally grows in sustainable and eco-friendly ways, therefore contributing to the conservation of the environment.
- Where can I get Kalanamak rice directly from farmers?
- Direct-from-farmer buying cooperatives, as well as platforms online, provide opportunities for authentic and local agricultural purchasing.
Kalanamak rice is a multifaceted gem that brings health benefits, rich history, and unique flavors to any kitchen.