MP Rajkumar Chahar recently celebrated the rich local flavors of India by promoting Kalanamak rice under Divyam Aahars, a brand dedicated to reviving indigenous and traditional foods. Known as the “Buddha Rice,” Kalanamak is a fragrant, nutrient-rich variety native to Uttar Pradesh. This rice holds immense cultural and historical significance, as it has been cultivated for centuries and is renowned for its distinctive aroma and taste.
During the event, MP Chahar emphasized the importance of supporting local farmers and preserving traditional agricultural practices. He highlighted how initiatives like Divyam Aahars play a crucial role in promoting sustainable farming, empowering rural communities, and bringing regional specialties to a wider audience.
Attendees enjoyed a demonstration of Kalanamak rice recipes, showcasing its versatility in both traditional and modern cuisines. The event served as a reminder of the diversity and richness of Indian culinary heritage, encouraging people to explore and appreciate local flavors.
By celebrating Kalanamak rice, Rajkumar Chahar hopes to inspire a movement towards healthier, eco-friendly food choices while honoring the legacy of indigenous crops that have shaped India’s gastronomic history.